Cultivating Self-Awareness Improves Every Aspect of Life

Awareness is the heart of emotional intelligence

Libby Shively McAvoy


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Self-awareness is the heart of emotional intelligence. Many people claim they are self-aware and may believe it, but it is a very rare quality. There are two types of awareness — internal and external.

Internal Self-Awareness
Internal Self-awareness is how we see our behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. It is how we see our vision and impact those around us.

When we cultivate internal self-awareness, we have higher confidence and empathy and are more likely to succeed in the workplace, in relationships, and socially.

External Self-Awareness
External self-awareness is the understanding of how others perceive us and the realization of how we affect those around us.

Many people are walking around clueless as to how their actions affect others. Many are unaware of the people around them. Take, for example, the oblivious people in your local grocery store who take up the entire aisle while browsing the cookie selection or texting someone.

You have to clear your throat and say, “excuse me,” before they move out of the way.



Libby Shively McAvoy

"HI" Writer, Personal Development and Relationship Coach specializing in Emotional Intelligence, Yoga Instructor, Mom, Speaker, traveler, & seeker