Featured Stories

Curated Collection #129

Chosen stories from experienced writers for avid readers

Published in
28 min readJun 16, 2022


Photo by Sebastiaan Stam on Pexels

Dear Readers and Writers,

We are sorry for not posting curated collections for a few weeks due to a busy workload. Our priority is reviewing and publishing stories as fast as possible so that our writers start earning and readers enjoy their stories.

These collections are a bonus for our writers to reach out to a broader audience. Today, we selected a small number of interesting stories from many submissions (contributed by 15K writers) published on Illumination to give you a pleasant reading experience.

These engaging, educative, and informative pieces in the collection include multiple topics for your enjoyment.

We appreciated your feedback on the stories of previous collections loved by many readers. Your comments and reactions inspire writers to post great stories. Thank you for your support of our contributors.




Lead Editor of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium. Cross-pollinating and supporting 28,000+ writers. Apply via https://digitalmehmet.com/contact