Featured Stories

Curated Collection #37

Selected stories for avid readers

Published in
22 min readFeb 3, 2022


Photo by Min An from Pexels

Dear Readers,

Today, we selected and compiled a small number of great stories published on ILLUMINATION out of many published pieces today. Our purpose is to give avid readers a quick taste of engaging and informative stories and poems from this diverse and inclusive publication on Medium.

We established a new publication called “ILLUMINATION on YouTube” aiming to give voice to YouTubers on Medium and allow Medium writers to introduce their YouTube channel. All writers and YouTubers are welcome to join this new journey. Details are in this story.

To reduce the administrative workload for 15,000 writers with new additions each day, we plan to add a small editorial bulletin to introduce new writers joining us each day. To this end, we created a master copy of our onboarding pack and will not be making these packs weekly.

Creating new onboarding packs is tedious for editors, and we want to invest this time in reviewing, publishing, and featuring activities for the growth of our writers. Instead, we add a master pack here and tag new writers at the end of this post so that they can access the pack via a single post. This will save us significant time.




Lead Editor of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium. Cross-pollinating and supporting 28,000+ writers. Apply via https://digitalmehmet.com/contact