Creativity | Food | Recipes | Writing


It’s a gluten-free, low cal treat that’s yummy on its own but yummier with some cutting chai.

Geetika Sethi
Published in
Oct 27, 2020


Credits — Image of the DIBS made by Geetika Sethi

What would you do when you want to eat a sandwich and suddenly realize that you have run out of your gluten-free bread?



And at home it’s idli-dosa day … and that is something again you don’t wish to eat 🧐



Well, just get creative in the kitchen …



Take the idli – dosa batter and splatter it on a nonstick toastie post brushing it both sides with your oil allowance on a medium flame.

Once it’s a bit done .. put in your filling and cover it up with another spoonful of batter. Keep on tossing and turning it around every 2 mins till it’s done.



Enjoy – Your freshly made gluten-free Low Cal D.I.B.S … Dosa Idli Batter Sandwich 😋

My D.I.B.S is loaded with 2 spoonfuls of mixed moong sprouts, mint chutney, finely sliced green chilly, carrot, cabbage, capsicum, grated fresh coconut and a tablespoon of the Potato Masala (which was made for the dosa filling). Enjoy it with fresh coconut chutney and coriander curry leaf chutney.



Finish your meal with a glass of masala cutting chai😊!

This recipe is an excerpt from the recipe section in my upcoming wellness book “Fitnutopia”.

©️ Geetika Sethi, October 2020



Geetika Sethi

I believe in leaving a bit of sparkle everywhere I go. ✨Wife to 1, Mom to 3 and a Holistic Health Coach. Authoring books on Poetry, Quotes and Short Stories.