Dancing Between Tall Grass

Come, dance with me

Ilis Trudie Palmer
2 min readMar 9, 2023


Image owned by the author

Amazingly, my third self-published book will be available this month. The amazing part is not that this will be my third book, but that I even had a first book to publish.

There are times in life when things go topsy-turvy, and the only place to turn is to the pen, or the brush, the instrument, or the clump of clay — anything that can act as the recipient of tumultuous feelings.

Under the tutelage of my guides, I poured a lot out on paper. The process brought great enjoyment, and continues to bring more fun each day — this not knowing what is around the corner, but romping happily toward it.

Dancing Between Tall Grass is a collection of tiny stories and short poems written over a period of three to four months, and they track the emotions of a soul re-awakening unto itself.

I say often, my books are not to be read like a novel, from start to end, and then on the shelf, but as Spirit or your intuition moves you. You may read several stories or poems in one sitting, or it might just be half of one, but my promise to you is that every time you flip through the pages, and land on a piece, there will be a message within it for you.

I wrote this for the back blurb:

This book of tiny stories is the third in an ever-expanding series. The author dances through tall grass as she shares the experiences of a soul triggered by the ‘who am I and why am I here’ question.

Mystical moments, happy happenings, and joyful oracles reveal themselves in every dance of words across the page.

Simple, ordinary language has become her trademark style, as she artfully crafts stories and poems which transport the reader along this soul adventure. Stories are birthed out of everyday living and demonstrate the beauty and magic in the mundane, an experience missed by many.

Thank you for reading, and be sure to pick up a copy when it becomes available.



Ilis Trudie Palmer

Energy, Creativity, Spirituality, the Great E.S.C; One dose of upfulness in each story or poem or song lyric. https://esotericgardenskn.com