
Published in
1 min readNov 16, 2016



Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Dare to close my heart
Dare to close the doors shut
Dare to put the bars on from within
Dare to be my own confidant, my own comfort
Dare to love my heart and need no other

Dare to look smugly beyond the brass doors
To look at those who couldn’t care for my heart
Dare to stick out my tongue at them
For carelessly handling my precious heart
Leaving it cracked and in pieces

Dare them to open the brass doors — If they can
I challenge the searcher, the brave
Only the one will know the key
Only the one will turn the lock
Only he will be rewarded with all of me

I offer it no more freely
For they do not know its value, it’s priceless
Henceforth they will toil to draw near it
I vow never again to give it freely
Away, Away!! Leave me nurse my broken heart alone

© Imabong Faminu

Originally published at http://possibiblog.wordpress.com on November 16, 2016.

