Dark Chocolate is a Gateway Drug

Those dark chocolate indulgences are just the beginning of a lurking addiction. Step away from that 88% cacao bar if you want to preserve your future.

Janice Maves


Photo by Emin ADIGÜZEL on Unsplash

It always starts innocently enough. The Nestle morsels in the Mason jar on the shelf in the pantry seem worthy of a little nibble. I have a coupon for a Lilly’s chocolate bar, gourmet and dark, what harm could it do? It always ends the same, and chocolate creeps back into my addictive food repertoire, euphoria without the ugly track marks.

What is the harm in a little indulgence now and then you may ask. What could the risk be from a little of chocolate to make these times a bit sweeter, this reality we are locked in a bit more tolerable? Chocolate, you say, is what makes life worth it.

Well, heroin does that for some people too, but you don’t go promoting that everyday.

For some, chocolate addiction is as sneaky as vodka is for the struggling alcoholic. Like weed to the addict, 80% cacao bars can be a gateway to that other life of sitting on the bathroom floor, back against the tub, a HoHo in one hand and a Snickers bar in the other.

Stop while you still can, put down that Whoopie Pie.



Janice Maves

Essayist, Poet, Mom, Dog Owner. Lives in Cornish, ME with Wallace the Airedale, and ponders Life In General.