Dark Enlightenment: The Emergence of Neo-Reactionary Thought

The Dark Enlightenment movement is a controversial fringe intellectual movement that provides a radical critique of modernity and advocacy for a return to hierarchical social structures — but is it dangerous?

Paige Holloway


a man reading a book in a dark library
©️ Paige Holloway assumes provenance and copyright. Image created by the author using Midjourney.

The Dark Enlightenment movement, also known as Neo-Reactionary thought or the NRx movement, emerged in the early 21st century as a controversial and fringe intellectual movement. It is characterized by its critique of modernity, democracy, and egalitarianism, and it advocates for a return to traditional, hierarchical social structures (Bromma, 2013). This essay aims to explore the origins, key concepts, and criticisms of the Dark Enlightenment movement, providing a comprehensive understanding of its implications, influence, and potential political ramifications.

Origins and Influences

The Dark Enlightenment movement emerged from various online communities and blogs in the late 2000s and early 2010s (Nagle, 2017). It can be traced back to the writings of several influential figures, including Mencius Moldbug (real name Curtis Yarvin), Nick Land, and Michael Anissimov. The movement synthesizes ideas from different intellectual…



Paige Holloway

Anthropologist | UX Content Designer| Prompt Engineer | Author -- I write about everything I love (and occasionally some things I hate, too).