Day 18 of 30 Days Writing Challenge About How I Spent My Day

Day 18 of Personal Tales: Let’s keep the ball rolling

Prakriti Sharma
3 min readMar 8, 2024


Somedays you’re just not going to be able to hit the ball out of the park, how much ever you try. Today was such a day. Despite having a bang-on start to the day, the end was lousy!

Had 0.001 % motivation to write today, and had to keep the challenge going. Showing up on days with almost zero motivation is what differentiates you.

It was hard to come look at the blank laptop screen for forty-five minutes straight, while the noise of self-doubt got louder and louder.

How does journalling about your day online matter, you ain’t any celebrity.

Despite the big voices that shushed my spirits, a feeble voice within me asked me to keep going.

There are plenty of readers who relate to me and my banal life.

How does it feel to be an ordinary person who has a flare to write?

Here’s the questionnaire —

  • How did I start my day?
  • What did I eat?
  • What did I accomplish?
  • Where did I mess up?
  • How did I end my day?

How did I start my day?

Had a kickass start to the day without touching my phone till 10 a.m.

Woke up at 5:30 a.m., and the yoga class was off today because of a festival called Maha Shivaratri.

Stayed in bed reading and sipping on some hot water till 6 a.m., and went for a walk after that.

After a refreshing cold shower, headed straight for the meditation session with the trainer.

Came back and had breakfast.

What did I eat?

Breakfast — Sabudana Khichdi with a handful of blanched nuts and bananas.

Breakfast Time — 10:00 a.m.

Lunch — Dragon fruit and cut mango fruit bowl.

Lunch Time — 1:30 p.m.

Dinner — Chestnut flour cutlets with potato curry.

Dinner Time — 6:30 p.m.

What did I accomplish?

Did not give up on the writing challenge and continued it despite of not feeling like writing.

Started an online course for an in-depth understanding of the yogic lifestyle.

Where did I mess up?

Excessive mobile phone usage of 4 hours plus.

A thirty-minute rant talk to my sister about life, a sheer waste of energy and time.

How did I end my day?

Watched some live musical performances for the Mahashivratru festival, and read a few more pages.

Wrote today’s blog while being in bed, and tucked myself to sleep right after the completion.

Hi friend, if you like this blog piece, share it with your friends and family so that they can benefit from it.

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I would love to listen to your experiments with Self-Improvement; if you wish to connect for a 30-minute call, shoot an email to



Prakriti Sharma

Finding a sweet spot between Life, Spirituality, Health and Productivity based on my personal experiences. Drop a note📧