Day 2 of 30 Days Writing Challenge About How I Spent My Day

Day 2 of Personal Tales: Let’s keep the ball rolling

Prakriti Sharma


Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash

I finally took a leap of faith yesterday and started a 30-day writing challenge to regain momentum in my online writing habit.

It’s day two today and I am still experiencing the stagnancy that has set in. However, my spirits are all Gung ho to put my shoulders to the wheel.

Today I had a fantastic start but my drive watered down as the day progressed. Still, here I am to write about the significant happenings that kept me engaged.

The questionnaire remains the same —

  • How did I start my day?
  • What did I eat?
  • What did I accomplish?
  • Where did I mess up?
  • How did I end my day?

Let’s delve into the details just in a second!

How did I start my day?

Woke up at 5:15 a.m. today and went straight to my yoga class after freshening up.

Performed the basic stretches, followed by 12 rounds of Sun Salutation a.k.a Surya Namaskars, and 20 minutes of spine strengthening asanas.

In a personal experience, 1 hour of Ashtanga Yoga for sure sets the tone right for the day.

After rigorous rounds of Yoga Asanas, it was time to meditate for 30 minutes straight.

Post meditation I drew myself a hot bath with 2–3 drops of lavender essential oil and relaxed.

I decided to work from home in my day job, which spared me some time for a leisure-filled breakfast with my housemate and a few laughs.

The work day began at 10 a.m.

What did I eat?

Breakfast — Idlis with coconut and mango chutney and one small bowl of pomegranate seeds.

Breakfast Time — 9 a.m.

Lunch — A bowl of quinoa with Pulisseri( spiced yogurt and coconut curry) and sauteed red spinach with spices.

Lunch Time — 12:30 p.m.

Dinner — Tomato Soup with steamed veggies and stir-fried arbi( Taro root).

Dinner Time — 7 p.m.

What did I accomplish?

Clocked in deep work of 2:30 hours that comprised of writing for an hour, editing for thirty minutes, and a final sixty-minute lap of client work.

Check boxed 70 % of my To-Do list from the day job.

Saved 2 hours of commute time to the office.

Debriefed my day in the form of a daily blog post on Medium.

25 % reduction in the screen time from yesterday, from 4 hours to 3 hours of usage to be precise. Woohoo.

Where did I mess up?

Binge-watched shows on OTTs, more than 2 hrs.

Munched a lot on snacks and popcorn.

Wasted my energy reserve on giving an unsolicited bunch of advice to my sister.

How did I end my day?

After an early sumptuous dinner, I treated myself to a spoon of a dessert called Patisa.

Spoke to my family on a video call and enjoyed a casual chit-chat with them.

Followed by a brisk walk of thirty minutes with an audiobook playing in the background.

Tucked myself in bed after brushing and flossing my teeth, and continued with a ten-minute nighttime skincare routine.

Hi friend, if you like this blog piece, share it with your friends and family so that they can benefit from it.

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I would love to listen to your experiments with Self-Improvement; if you wish to connect for a 30-minute call, shoot an email to



Prakriti Sharma

Finding a sweet spot between Life, Spirituality, Health and Productivity based on my personal experiences. Drop a note📧