Day Tripping: March 6

Phoenixes, Finances, and Flaps

Stuart Englander


Welcome to my daily feature where each day on the calendar marks a part of our shared history.

Setting A Record Straight

The town of York was still the capital of Upper Canada before the confederation of the Dominion of Canada. On this day in 1834, the town is incorporated as the City of Toronto, capital of the province of Ontario and the nation’s largest city. The legislative building pictured above was once the seat of Upper Canada’s parliament.

It was burned down by invading American troops in 1796, resulting in the British burning in retaliation of the White House at the end of the War of 1812. No, Donald, Canada did not burn down the White House.

Resetting The Economy

A little more than a day after taking office, President Franklin D. Roosevelt suspends all banking activity in the United States declaring a ‘bank holiday’. With the world still in the throes of the Great Depression in 1933, Roosevelt ordered bank closures and a freeze on transactions to stave off the collapse of more banking institutions.

The biggest issue for average citizens was the ability to cash a paycheck but with credit being extended by merchants across the country, working Americans carried on as mostly normal. The IRS of…



Stuart Englander

If it comes to mind, I usually write about it. Lucky for you I don’t always publish it. Stuff I do post goes to your inbox from