The Hassle of Firing a Healthcare Aide for Abuse

You might encounter a frivolous lawsuit.

Glenn Stok
Published in
6 min readFeb 13, 2020


Photo by Jeremy Wong on Unsplash

This article is a personal account of the challenges involved with firing an eldercare aide I had hired for my 97-year-old Aunt.

If you ever need to fire an eldercare aide that isn’t working out well for your elderly family member, you might find yourself defending a frivolous lawsuit. Even if you have a legitimate cause, the aide can still bring on a lawsuit that can drag on for months or years.

I first became aware of a problem developing when I noticed that the aide was increasing the purchases of toiletries and food items. I knew my Aunt couldn’t have been using so much. It soon became clear that the aide was taking things home for herself.

Hassles With Firing an Eldercare Aide for Abuse

Things got out of hand one day. My Aunt complained that the aide was yelling at her and losing her temper. Therefore I decided that I needed to replace her.

After hiring a new aide through another local healthcare agency, I fired the abuser and paid her up-to-date, including the entire last day. Wouldn’t you say that was fair?

Shortly after that day, the aide started calling my Aunt and threatening her with a lawsuit. She…



Glenn Stok

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