Dealing With Criticism

Learn how to receive criticism while protecting your self-image

Brian Tubbs


The ability to hear criticism and process it in a healthy, positive, and constructive manner without suffering a loss to your self-esteem is a superpower. And that superpower can be yours.

Receiving criticism gracefully and processing it constructively is even more impressive when the person giving the criticism is doing so in a toxic, condescending, or mean-spirited tone.

It would be wonderful if everyone in your life would see you and understand you the way you feel you should be viewed and treated. It would be great if everyone was polite, gracious, kind, and supportive. That, however, is not the real world.

The truth is that life is challenging, and we must navigate through a life full of people with various personalities, perspectives, life experiences, and interests. Not only that, but our world is full of people with varying levels of mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

And we must interact with people carrying different levels of baggage and pain — just as we are.

We can’t control people or circumstances, but we can manage how we respond and react to the people and circumstances in our…

