Dealing With Gossiping Critics

The Brock Report
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2022
Photo by SIphotography on Unsplash

We have all caught ourselves talking about other people. I am guilty of this from time to time. Still, I make a concerted effort to only say positive things If I comment on another person. The absolute lowest level of conversation on the intellectual totem pole is gossip. Most of you have a family member or friend who insists on talking about other people. Basically, if their mouth is moving, they are talking about someone.

It hurts when we find out that someone is gossiping about us, and it’s hard to brush it off. Still, the truth is that a gossiper is usually a sad person, living an unfulfilling life. Instead of feeling bad about yourself when you’ve discovered that someone is talking about you, you should feel bad for the gossiper. You have become more interesting than anything they have going for them in their life.

Unfortunately, most people don’t see it this way, and they allow others to control their life decisions because of it. The fear of what someone might say freezes people in their tracks and live the life they think will fit into everyone else’s expectations. To make matters worse, people hesitate in doing what they’d like because of potential criticism by people they don’t even respect.
The only way to avoid criticism is to do absolutely nothing and be a nobody. If you are going to be an achiever in this world, you must come to embrace the critics. This isn’t easy, so you’ll need to change your mindset. One rule to follow will keep you moving towards your goals despite the critics: If you wouldn’t ask a person for advice, their criticism means nothing.

So, when you hear about criticism from gossipers or if you receive criticism directly, ask yourself, “would I ask this person for advice?” If the answer is yes, then use it constructively. If the answer is no, remind yourself that their critique has zero impact on you and move on. Acquiring this mindset is a superpower, will keep you moving forward, and keep you in a good headspace.

Realize that the people talking about you are not fulfilled and are engaging in the lowest level of intellect. Hold yourself to a higher standard and talk about things and ideas because the best revenge is to be nothing like the gossiper; they will remain stagnant while you move forward. Elbert Hubbard said it best: “Do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing, and you’ll never be criticized.”



The Brock Report

Productivity Expert, Skill Acquisition Expert, Author, Modern Stoic Philosopher, Strength Training Gym Owner, Jiu-Jitsu Gym Owner