Dealing with Hopelessness in Life

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2 min readSep 3, 2021
Photo by Catalin Pop on Unsplash

There are times in life when one feels so utterly hopeless and lost that he forgets that once he too had some happy moments in life. He forgets how happiness feels or how does it feel to be happy.

If not all, many of us go through that trauma once or twice. It’s part of life, maybe the toughest and the most depressing part.

Those who have gone through this, know how scary that is but I am writing this for those who are going through it.

The battle is tough, a battle against ourselves, a battle against hopelessness, helplessness, and the continuous thought of being lost. Without even realizing it, our life is moving at 180 degrees and we are just thinking what the hell is going on

Our mind gives up, the heart seems paralyzed, our determinations and the reality seems to fade away

How to Deal with It?

This situation is a very complicated one. There are some ways which one can take to get out of this mess. It takes time but little by little one walks far.

  • Create a world of your own. Stop caring about this world and its people and believe in yourself.
  • Control the expectations and dreams. Be more real. Because these expectations can destroy a person without him even realizing it. This is the root of hopelessness.
  • Love yourself. How to love yourself? Think about yourself. Ask yourself, do you really deserve all this? Value yourself more. Put yourself first then the world.
  • Don’t take the support of DRUGS. I repeat “don’t". That only makes the situation worst. For temporary pleasure, whole life would crumble. I know at this time, drugs seem the easiest way but that’s self-deception.
  • Read books, play video games or listen to music, whatever helps you relax.
  • Start enjoying and admiring nature. Go on trips and relax. Spend time in solitude until you think you are ready to face this world again.
  • Move into another city, try to start a new life.
  • Visit your old friends, parents or relatives. Spend time with them.
  • Lastly, don’t force yourself to do anyone the above points. Don’t force yourself to do anything. Let it come to you naturally. The more you force yourself, the worse the condition will get.


“Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our problems. — Charlie Chaplin”

Life is full of ups and downs but sometimes it gets too severe to bear. The world is cruel indeed but one must not lose himself in this mess. Slowly but steadily move on. Make yourself your best friend.

“So, surely with hardship comes ease”

― Surah Ash-Sharh — 1–8




Writing is an art, and I am all set to become an artist.