Dealing with Loss During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Losing my father-in-law during quarantine life

J.M. Troppello
Published in
9 min readApr 28, 2020


I hate the coronavirus.

This invisible enemy stole precious time that we could have spent with my 82-year-old father-in-law — had his rehab center and then ICU unit not been on lockdown due to COVID-19.

Pop passed away on Tuesday, April 21st. We got the call at 10 am. We knew it was coming for a while now, but that still does nothing to soften the blow. He’s gone. I still had so much left to say.

He had health issues for the last few years. This most recent health issue was a urinary tract infection. Pop was taken to the hospital in early March and his health seemed to improve enough for him to be moved to a local rehab center.

That was before our governor issued a stay-at-home directive due to COVID-19.

Quarantine life and lockdown

Then it happened. The directive was issued.

That meant none of my husband’s big Italian family could visit Pop while he convalesced in rehab. It was difficult for all of us — but especially for my mother-in-law.

