Dear James Franco

A letter to the actor recently cast as Fidel Castro in a new film, on behalf of the truth.

Michelle Marie Writes


Painting by Alexey Camilo Meriño Tellez on Instagram of Fidel as a four legged beast with a dead Cuban bird in his mouth.
Painting by Alexey Camilo Meriño Tellez on Instagram

Dear James Franco,

The very first role I saw you play was Franco in General Hospital. Admittedly, I watched GH for a solid 20 years. But for those readers who may not be familiar with Franco, I will succinctly describe him in one sentence. Franco was GHs serial killer artist who could fool people with his charm.

So, when I heard that you were playing the role of a person whom I was born knowing to be the devil himself, I thought, ‘Wow! James Franco could pull this one off if only he can channel the evil core essence of GH’s Franco character.’

On behalf of the Cuban exile community, I am compelled to enlighten you on the numerous atrocities committed by the person whose evil essence you will soon portray. To the entire global Cuban Exile community and awakened Cubans on the island who can’t speak out against the regime for fear of imprisonment, the man you will portray is the epitome of evil on earth.

This man has single-handedly destroyed a rich and once flourishing culture born of the will of a people to be free over several centuries. In the process, he slowly erased its history for one he fabricated himself. You ask a Cuban today and they will tell you they…



Michelle Marie Writes

Mom, grant writer, aspiring author, Starseed — I write to impact positive change. Connect with me at