Dear Western Society, You’re Not as Progressive as You Think You Are

The glaring inconsistencies in your wokeism through the eyes of an immigrant

Stephen Bhasera


Photo by Brad Neathery on Unsplash

I am writing this letter, not as an indictment but as an invitation to look inward before pointing fingers at those around you. Here’s the thing: don’t let the advanced tech, access to clean water, slick transport systems and rumours of universal basic income fool you. Don’t let your post-modernism, subjective morality and “inclusiveness” deceive you. Don’t get me wrong, whilst you’ve advanced in many ways, in other ways you’re just like your ancestors, you’ve just put a different spin on it. It’s your hubris that makes some of you believe you have a monopoly on morality.

Here’s a question for you: Have you ever considered the human cost of your Apple devices, coffee and chocolate? Have you ever stopped to consider that the iPhone from which you lecture everyone on social media about their hate and bigotry and injustice is tainted by the labour of children in the Congo who mined the cobalt components in it? Or that child slaves in Ghana and the Ivory Coast might produce the cocoa for your daily mocha? In many ways you may be just as complicit in several barbarisms as your colonial ancestors, you just choose not to see it because you just “have to have a smartphone” since it’s a…



Stephen Bhasera

Nerd trapped in the body of an NFL linebacker. Lover of history, literature, finance and Africa.