Dear Writers, Please Go at Your Own Pace

Everyone runs their own race, don’t copycat the unsustainable

Jordan Mendiola


Photo by Alexandro Espinar on Unsplash

As with any creative journey, we all learn at different speeds. Therefore, we all produce quality content at different rates, as well.

When I first started on Medium, I posted once every two weeks. My posting frequency adjusted from two weeks to every week. Every week became every few days — to every other day — to every single day.

If you still haven't quite found your footing, it’ll come soon.

For the past three months, I have been writing nonstop and have finally found my rhythm. It took about four months to figure out my pace. I am at a point in my life where I have complete clarity on my goals in a realistic way.

Being deployed overseas allows me to write on my off-days and enable time to fly by. I’m not going out of my way to head to a computer lab or anything. I am blessed to own my laptop that I’ve typed over 2,000 words every single day for the past two months, according to Grammarly.

We don’t have to copy other writers who have success so that we can thrive on the platform. They have a system that works for them, and they’ve worked on their craft for longer than you have, most likely.



Jordan Mendiola

I started writing during the pandemic, took a short break. But have returned for more. Quality over quantity this second time around. Thanks for being here!