Death: An End or A New Beginning

The Meaning of Life and Death

Ece Uyguç


Photo by Artem Podrez from Pexels

When we think about death with its general definition, we can say that it is the end every person who comes to this world will face after living life, be it short or long. The end of our life is perhaps the only certain fact in this world. I can say this very clearly because I’m sure everyone has witnessed the death of someone close to them and everyone is certain they too will die one day.

Have you ever seen a person who didn’t die? This is against the nature of the world. Every single person will die sooner or later. Isn’t that the reason why people are so afraid of death? Of course, seeing this as the loss of people’s lives prevents us from fully understanding the issue. Just like humans, plants and animals have a certain lifespan, as well.

The life cycle of living things

Every living thing has a life cycle, just like humans. Let’s consider a silkworm as an example. It is born as a caterpillar and spins a cocoon around itself, in which it will live in a certain period. The cocoon, knitted with liquid silk coming out of the caterpillar’s mouth, turns into a hard, protective, and comfortable chamber as it contacts with air.

When the transformation inside the cocoon is completed, it comes out again by piercing the…



Ece Uyguç

IR graduate, economist, translator. Passionate about history, business, politics, and technology. Research enthusiast, world traveler. Let's explore together.