Death Is Whimsical Today

Let’s not make it common

Akshay Ravi


Photo by Luke Southern on Unsplash

I did not understand anything when Normal Stansfield (Gary Oldman) said the iconic words, “Death is… whimsical today”, in the 1994 feature ‘Leon: The Professional’. I did not even know those were iconic. It would take years before I know that it is iconic. It would take even more for me to finally understand the meaning of it.

Now I understand perfectly. Death is whimsical. Today. Every day. Two days back, I saw a forward in Whatsapp, where a guy said that the obituary in a local newspaper was many pages long for that particular day. Death! A lot of people die every day for a lot of reasons. But no, the obituary section used to be not that long Pre-COVID. How long till we do not take it casually anymore? How many more deaths should happen?

I hate it when people try to alleviate the seriousness by saying, “But the casualty rate is so low”, “Only old people are dying”, blah, blah, blah. So what? This deadly virus is spreading faster than a common cold, and is only behind idiocy in terms of transmission rate! And old people? Is it okay if old people die? Because they have got everything in their life? Lived happily for 70 years, and now it is time for them to die. How naive can we get? Is it okay if youngsters who peaked early in their lives die as well? “Oh, you became VP at 27, and is married and have two kids



Akshay Ravi

I sometimes revisit my writings, and I am almost always disappointed. But if you still may, you will stumble upon mostly short fiction, technology otherwise