Debunking Three Myths About Raising Bilingual Kids

My initial lessons learnt on how not to lose a battle with the child and yourself

Vic Bowling


I started feeling like I was losing a battle that had barely begun.

Both my partner and I wanted our child to grow up bilingual. But it’s easier said than done. Because I — myself and I — would be the parent responsible for our little one’s bilingual skills. And it’s kind of daunting.

I also realised that I had a lot of fears associated with trying to teach my child two languages at the same time.

  • Will she be able to understand us?
  • Will she be able to make friends?
  • Will she be able to speak at all?
  • Will she feel uncomfortable and ashamed if she chooses the wrong language?

So I joined Facebook groups that deal with bringing up bilingual children. I started reading articles on child development and second language acquisition in particular. And I have debunked a few myths along the way. This new knowledge helped me to breathe a sigh of relief and continue to use both languages when talking to our little one.

Myth #1 One parent, one language



Vic Bowling

Mentor, Mom, Collector of Tips, Ideas and Stories. Failing miserably at raising bilingual children. Find me on 🎈🙌