Decision Fatigue May Be the Main Reason You Are Failing with Your Diet

How you can stop your good intentions from flying out the window and finally lose weight

Ronke Babajide


Photo by drobotdean on freepik

Over the last 12 months, I have gained a lot of weight. All my regular activity came to an abrupt stop with the beginning of the first lockdown. No walking to the office, gyms are closed. A year before the pandemic, I had discovered kick-boxing, and I was lifting heavy weights three times a week. I was fitter than I had ever been in my life.

All that stopped from one moment to the other. But my eating habits remained the same.

I love food and being active meant I could eat a lot. I had a lot of muscles, and I burnt a lot of calories. So, in the beginning, I wasn’t worried. I was extremely fit. I thought I would start working out at home soon and get back to a reasonable activity level. I couldn’t imagine not working out for months.

But I did not account for the weirdness of lockdown life, the combination of anxiety and Zoom fatigue that would hit me. I did not work out at home. I spent all day hopping from one Zoom conference to the next. Talking to my screen, pouring all my energy into my work. In the evening, I was exhausted, stuffing myself with take-out on the couch.



Ronke Babajide

Feminist, Woman in Tech, Natural Scientist, Life Coach, Speaker, Podcaster, Founder. I write about Feminism, Society, Work, Science, Personal Growth & Life