Decision — Part 2

I hope — hope is not lost - A love poem

J M Mantium


Photo by Ryan Holloway on Unsplash

I am feeling like a fool inside.
I am full of regret for the stupid method I used to show how I feel.
I made a mistake with a rushed decision.

A mere attempt to hear your adorable laugh,
and I received the opposite of desired effect.
Though, I am to thankful you did not close your door on me.

I stumble over my tongue of lead. Restraining the facts.
I am scared, and I have gone past the line of simple attraction.

I have no desire to dismantle your walls.
As I am broken too.

The pleasure of your company is all I yearn,
and to offer you friendship and loyalty in return.

Now, waiting, hoping for hope to hold me up.
As the patience brings me to my knees.

I can live on my knees for the rest of my life.
I can survive on the hope for better days to come.
As through these desperate times, I only want you.



J M Mantium

Irish writer, poet. I have a working knowledge of psychology and like to write about mental health & mindfulness, along with experimenting with different topics