Defining Happiness

Invest your time in this story, and the story will become yours forever.

Thong Teck Yew
6 min readJun 9, 2020



The word “happy” was first coined by Confucius, Buddha, Socrates, and Aristotle when the pursuit of happiness began in China, India, and Greece close to 2,500 years ago.¹

Back in the 14th century, the word “happy” first meant “lucky”. It possesses various meanings in different native languages.

In Icelandic, “heppinn” means “happy” or “lucky”. In Scots, “happin” means “fortunate” or “blessed”. In Welsh, the word first meant “wise” ·²

Yet, people do not actively pursue happiness. Even the Greeks and the Romans who introduced us to Classical philosophy would have shrugged at the modern notion of happiness. To them, happiness was indeed the chief aim in life, but they had a very different definition of what the term actually meant.³

During the 18th century, Alexander Pope declaimed, “Oh happiness! our being’s end and aim!” whereas John Byrom urged that “it was the best thing one could do to be always cheerful…and not suffer any sullenness.” Both were double-edged swords. The true meaning of happiness was nothing but contradicting as compared to what they originally thought it was.⁴

In 1793, a brutal yellow fever epidemic occurred in Philadelphia. Sorrows, grief, and sadness were all accountable for the dampened spirits of the citizens. Ordinary citizens began to compose interest “in enjoying happiness and independence”.

Fast forward to 2020, the meaning of happiness has changed vastly. In fact, happiness will only change as time goes by.

Artificial Intelligence, robots, bots. True happiness will eventually be defeated.

Am I happy?

Zara Greenbaum/ American Psychological Association (APA)⁵

I consider myself to be happy. I do not need expensive cars. I do not need luxurious houses. I do not need to be an influencer to become famous. I like who I am.

However, I have been haunted by happiness for most of my life. Most people that know me will say that I always smile. If the world is to end, I will be the one standing out there helping people out with a smile on my face.

Yet, the truth is, I yearn to be unhappy every single day.


Because I expect nothing.

Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed. Appreciate everything and you will be contented.

I have been backstabbed by many people in the past. I always believe that by helping others, they will always help me back. I was wrong. They left me when I needed them the most.

Forget about me. Now, let’s use you as an example. We are all social media users like Instagram, Twitter, TikTok etc. One day, you are getting tons and tons and tons of likes and positive comments. All of a sudden, a devil pop up out of nowhere, hop into the chat, and blast you with a negative comment. How sad will you be? You will feel like the whole world is looking down on you. Those positive comments that you read earlier no longer mean anything to you.

That hurts. A lot.

The truth is: It’s not the devil’s fault. It’s not the platform founder’s fault. It’s your fault. You expect too much from society and always think that everything would go smooth sailing.

“Things don’t make you unhappy. People don’t make you unhappy. You make yourself unhappy. Because you are in the cycle. You’re stuck. You’re stuck in time.” — Frederick Lenz

Happiness is a feeling. It doesn’t come and go just because you want it to. Happiness goes away faster than it comes.

In my opinion, the word that defines me is contented, not happy. I am contented with life. I am contented with what I am doing. I am contented that I even exist. Because happiness comes from contentment.

Believe me. Do you want to be rich now?

“He who is contented is rich.” — Lao Tzu

You’re already rich.

Should I be unhappy?

Photo by Leo Rivas on Unsplash

No, you shouldn’t. Don’t force yourself to be unhappy just because I tried to be unhappy. Instead, you should be happy by being contented with your life. Share the love by helping one another. When you are contented, share your joy and make others feel happy too.

You are just like a mirror. Once you are unhappy, the people around you will be unhappy.

Always be happy. When sadness comes, learn to handle it.

“Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrating it for everything that it is.” — Mandy Hale

There is nothing wrong with being unhappy. Just know that your source of unhappiness does not come from any form of goods or services. It does not come from relationships. Your source of unhappiness comes from you. Learn to be happy.

Final Words

Everyone has problems. I understand how you feel about the world. Betrayers, backstabbers, fake friends that are doing more harm than good, criticisms in the digital world. Those people just want to get closer to you for their own benefits. It is time to let them go.

Accept that life is not always butterflies and rainbows, bad stuff happens and you can’t have a perfect and constantly happy life. You need to try your best to think positively, as cliché as it sounds.

Remember: Be present at the very moment. Family, best friends, mentors. These are the people you should surround yourselves with. Motivation is for an hour, discipline is for Life. Make good habits in your life.

This story now belongs to you.

You decide what kind of life you want to live in.

Live on.

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[1] History of Happiness. (n.d.). Retrieved June 09, 2020, from

[2]: Louise. (2015, March 20). Retrieved June 09, 2020, from

[3]: Ehrenfeld, T. (n.d.). This is what ancient Greece can teach us about the trials and tribulations of modern life. Retrieved June 09, 2020, from

[4]: Stearns, P. (2014, October 08). The History of Happiness. Retrieved June 09, 2020, from

[5]: Zara Greenbaum. Retrieved June 09, 2020, from

[6]: Foutch, H. (2019, September 24). Wonder Woman Just Broke a Major Box Office Record. Retrieved June 09, 2020, from



Thong Teck Yew

A university student specializing in Data Analytics. Lover of technology that wants to share his piece on life. This is the platform where I can be myself.