Deja Vu, Deja Reve, and Jamais Vu

What are they, and how many have you experienced?

Rebecca O'Brien


Have you had the feeling where everything seems or feels familiar? Have you found yourself doing the same things multiple days in a row? Maybe you’ve even said to yourself, “déjà vu”. A lot of us have. What are the additional terms listed in the title? What do they mean? Maybe you’ve experienced them as well.

Déjà vu — “Already Seen”

As listed in the headline, this is the feeling of “I’ve seen this before.” Not only can it be something you’ve seen before, but it can be something you’ve done previously. (Or you feel like you have done it in the past.)

Did you know that most people experience déjà vu at some point in their lives? For some people, it happens more frequently due to Epilepsy and their recurring seizures.

Can you remember a time you experienced this sensation?

Déjà Rêvé — “Already Dreamed”

Similar to déjà vu but slightly different, déjà rêvé translates to “already dreamed”. Instead of feeling like you’ve been here before, you may feel as if you’ve dreamed this before. Maybe you’ve had this memory or have viewed this scene in your dreams.

Have you experienced this before? Had you thought you were a prophet or that the…

