Deleting Facebook And Twitter Off Of My Phone Was The Best Decision I Made This Year

After three months, there is a significant change.

Alfie Jane


Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

I’m going to say it. COVID-19 killed any ambition I had in 2020. A year I thought would’ve helped me grow as a writer while enjoying a gap year from ESL teaching instead had me laying around the house scrolling through my phone.

I spent so much time scrolling through Facebook and Twitter I nearly stopped writing. Which meant I wasn’t making money. I lost interest in reading and practicing my Chinese. I didn’t even want to go anywhere. I didn’t want to spend time with family and friends. My relationships suffered, but I couldn’t stop. All I wanted to do was stay in my room, scrolling.

Sometimes, I’d download a cell phone game and get hooked on it for something different. My addiction to the games got so bad I looked suspicious when I was around other people. Anyone would’ve thought I was hiding something serious.

Eventually, I’d delete the games, but I’d go back to Facebook and Twitter. All-day, every day, laying in bed scrolling. I couldn’t stop. Even though I knew I was damaging my budding writing career. Even though I saw it damaging friendships and relationships, it wasn’t enough. I scrolled and scrolled like I didn’t care; I wasted so much…

