Delirious Pontificating about Unions and the Sorry State of the American Soul on a Snowy Saturday Afternoon

Google, MK-ULTRA, Neurodivergence, Superman, and more. If it’s not in this post, maybe it doesn’t exist.

Mark Scofield


File: George Reeve Reeves, de eerste Superman in de film wiens carrière werd verpest door zijn fixatie, SFA001015473.jpg courtesy of Wikimedia commons:,_de_eerste_Superman_in_de_film_wiens_carri%C3%A8re_werd_verpest_door_zijn_fixatie,_SFA001015473.jpg

I asked Google how to organize a union.

You know those questions and answers that Google gives on some searches now? I got back a long list addressing my question in an extremely negative light.

The question/answers Google provided to me attempting to correct my obviously sinful and misguided question included:

  • Why unions are bad for workers (they increase the chances of layoffs)
  • How hard it is to start a union, you could get fired for trying to start a union (illegal but common)
  • The length of time it takes (very long and obviously not worth the effort)
  • Unions can’t be trusted
  • Unions are businesses, not organized like democracies (like our democratic workplaces?)
  • Unions cost job creators more money

It’s nice to know that I have a Big Brother like Google to look out for my best interests.



Mark Scofield

Coming out of the shadows. No more pseudonym. Humans are designed to fail. I'm Exhibit A. Often writing semi-fictional history and autobiographical stories.