Delirious Pontificating about Unions and the Sorry State of the American Soul on a Snowy Saturday Afternoon

Google, MK-ULTRA, Neurodivergence, Superman, and more. If it’s not in this post, maybe it doesn’t exist.

Markus Scorelius


File: George Reeve Reeves, de eerste Superman in de film wiens carrière werd verpest door zijn fixatie, SFA001015473.jpg courtesy of Wikimedia commons:,_de_eerste_Superman_in_de_film_wiens_carri%C3%A8re_werd_verpest_door_zijn_fixatie,_SFA001015473.jpg

I asked Google how to organize a union.



Markus Scorelius

Stepping up to perfect the imperfections of the human species. Achieving failure with such specificity as to be assured of success.