Dementia Risk Factors You Probably Don’t Know About — but Wish You Did

Science-backed, surprising, everyday thoughts, and practices that increase your cognitive decline risk. I’m making changes.

Tonya S. Ware


Even while young, you can innocently fill your life with dementia risk factors.

Divorced? Never been married? Don’t believe the world is trustworthy? It is easier than you think to unknowingly set yourself up for a future of cognitive decline.

For example, lifelong singleness is linked to a higher risk of dementia — up to 42 percent higher. Scientific research attributes this to poor health behaviors of single people.

Who would have ever thought dementia is sometimes associated with your marital status?

But that’s not all.

The jolting dementia risk that divorcees face.

According to a Michigan State University study, “married people are less likely to experience dementia as they age”. It also found “divorcees are about twice as likely to develop dementia”. The stress of a divorce is the main culprit.

Researchers believe the correlation between dementia and marital status could have to do with daily social engagement.



Tonya S. Ware

Live healthy, age well, laugh, and have fun. Let’s make it happen.