Demystifying the failure myth: There is no such thing as failure. Only learning experiences

“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently”- Henry Ford

Emmanuel A. Anderson


Are you tired of taking action? You are tired of working things out to be successful, and things are not going the way you expect them to, and you think of yourself as a failure? Are you tired of taking initiatives and things have fallen apart?
Well, no need to be because there is no such thing as failure! All are learning and making discoveries about how to do things. And if you will be honest with yourself, you will agree that each time you have tried something, and it did not work out, you had something equally significant. It could be an idea on how to go about that thing or something new that took you to a new level altogether.

Take people who you admire and have a lot of reverence for and look up to and study their stories carefully. You will discover that every one of these people talks about the fact that they are successful because they have failed many times. And if these people that you look up to on your journey to success, are successful because of failure, then what is the point of believing there is something like a failure and hating it and being hard on yourself when…



Emmanuel A. Anderson

Thinker || Writing to give meaning to life || Author of the upcoming book, "Heal yourself, heal the world."