Psychology / Mental Health

The 5 Activities That Help Me Battle a Depressed Mood

My bag of tricks for getting out of a rut.

Louis Petrik
Published in
5 min readJun 8, 2021


Photo by Julia Larson from Pexels

The pandemic is tough for many of us. Symptoms of Depression, Anxiety issues, and Bipolar disorder seem to rise⁸. The same applies to me.

I’ve always struggled with mental health. Especially short, depressive phases weigh heavily on me. Since the lockdown, even more.

Thank god, there is a handful of tricks you can use to help yourself. Over time, 5 activities really helped me to cope with a depressed mood.

Since psyche problems are a complex issue, I have made sure that these tricks help not only in my experience. Therefore, everything I present to you has a scientific background, albeit based mainly on correlations. Fortunately, none of these tricks will harm you — so the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Here is my bag of tricks against a depressive mood.

Important: Someone who is currently in a depressed mood does not necessarily have depression. These are primarily temporary tips and are in no way intended as a substitute for therapy or drug treatment. If you suspect you have serious problems, please contact an expert.

1. Meditation



Louis Petrik

JavaScript & Python. Figuring out life, one idea at a time. Unlimited reads: