Designing, Coding, Marketing and Consuming the Future

Erwin Lima
Published in
9 min readJul 14, 2020


The Ethics of Digital Transformation

Are you a human, and do you own a smartphone, laptop or desktop computer? Then this is for you. Let’s talk about the digital transformation that’s going on inside each of us. Let’s talk about creating, marketing, selling, and using digital technology, smart devices, and applications in a more conscious and balanced way.

Hello, you. You, who are designing, coding, marketing, selling, or simply using the technology that will shape our collective future. To what extent do you realize that everything that you and I do, and every bit of technology you and I envision, create, sell, or simply use — has an impact on our lives?

And on the lives of others, and the future of mankind — in a small and insignificant, or possibly a larger and more sweeping way?

Now, when did you or anyone you know, make an informed, fully conscious, deliberate choice about what we want that impact to be?

If you work in tech or marketing, or if you are interested in technology, marketing or entrepreneurship — or basically, if you’re human and you own a smartphone/laptop/pc — this is relevant to you. Let’s talk about the digital transformation that’s going on inside each of us.



Erwin Lima

Exploring and maximising human potential. I write about tech, marketing, writing, love, money, society; life. Find my newest book here: