Destined For Greatness

A poem in response to writing prompt growing

The Crimson Citadel
2 min readJul 25, 2020


Image by Bessi from Pixabay

When we were young, the world was different, draped in love, the days were so humble,

Life was a beautiful dream, I remember, sunlight and laughter, echoing in our halls,

We walked the fields together, staring at the clouds in the summer sky, chasing fireflies at night,

The wonder and the awe, we were innocent little creatures, we were happy, we were loved,

It’s hard to let go of those memories, it’s hard to grow up, as the seedlings turn to trees, so must we,

Kindness was the beginning, let kindness be the rest, no pride and let’s take one step at a time,

There is a lot to discover, the thought of growing up can be daunting sometimes, but don’t let it scare you,

The child inside always remains, happy to see you smile, we grow up yes, but the wonder remains,

Sometimes we will struggle, sometimes we will fall but that is a part of growing, don’t be afraid,

Hold my hand dear friend, I will help you through all sadness, I don’t want you to forget that you were always destined for greatness.

A Poem From The Crimson Citadel @2020

This poem is in response to dear Janice Maves senpai’s prompt Growing, I do not know if I did the prompt justice but I hope all of you enjoy it!

Here is a link to senpai’s beautiful poem on the prompt New Beginnings



The Crimson Citadel

An avid reader and a weaver of tales. I welcome you, to my Crimson Citadel.