Destroy Your Reputation, Please.

Vikram Sharma
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2024


We are all slaves to our self-image. We act out in the world only in proportion to the room our self-image allows us to act in.

But, there is a dichotomy in the modern culture. It requires you to change and evolve continuously but is designed to install fears that restrict you from attempting to make changes in the first place.

You are encouraged to have an “idea” about yourself. You must know who you are. But life is not about knowing, it is a process of finding out who you are.

Knowing is a byproduct that you get on the road to self-discovery.

If you have a rigid self-image, it will weigh you down. You will try really hard consciously and sub consciously to keep up with it.

What do you do when the bounds created by your self-image are so solidified that they stop you from stretching your boundaries?

Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

What happens when the shackles of your rigid self-image keep you from acting out in the world?

What if it keeps you away from trying out new things?

It tells you to “play it safe”?

The fool is the precursor to the savior- Carl Jung

Jung says that to try to be good at something or to try anything new, one has to be willing to come across as a fool.

Then, the real question you need to ask is, what is it that keeps you away from expressing your divinity and doing things that you know you can/must?

How are you supposed to “know yourself”, if you always stay on the conventional path and never try out new things?

Why are you scared to come across as a fool? Who are you trying to impress?

The answer is, Nobody.

It’s your own perception of yourself. No one else is actually judging you, it’s you.

“Invent yourself and then reinvent yourself,
don’t swim in the same slough.
invent yourself and then reinvent yourself and
stay out of the clutches of mediocrity.

Invent yourself and then reinvent yourself,
change your tone and shape so often that they can never categorize you.”- Charles Bukowski

So try not to judge yourself. Embark on the journey to discover yourself instead.

Start with the macro.

Go eat at a place where you normally will not dare to. Wear clothes that you would normally not. Take public transport if you normally travel via private vehicle.

Connect to the world around you, the one that is different from what you are used to.

Enrich your palette. Have different experiences.

Loosen up.

Understand that you are not defined by any of these things. Neither you will find all your answers there. But that’s where you start. And if you feel that your self-created “reputation” keeps you from doing all this.

Don’t let it limit you. Destroy your reputation, please.

Thank you for reading!

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