Develop a Creation Bias Now!

Stop consuming mindlessly and start creating right away



Stop the endless consumption and start creating! Trust me you’ll thank me for it!

Constant distraction and information overload is the constant state we are all in. We consume and we consume more without hardly creating anything (well we are not counting the fort you created with empty beer cans!). We have an innate need to consume and hoard. Opening tab after tab of articles and news, mindlessly spending hour after hour.

Just now, I came to the Medium website determined to start working on today’s post only to get distracted by a couple of the amazing posts with clickbaity headlines and appealing visuals on the homepage mere seconds after I came to the page and before I knew it I was in deep and had 20 different posts open in different tabs and had also saved a few ready to come back to them in the future!

As I sat there amazed at the seductive pull of consumption, I got reminded of this very interesting notion of Infinity Pools which is a term I came across recently. Infinity pools are essentially infinite sources of information, hyper-fuelling our consumption drives! Don’t let them lure you in for a swim.

“Infinity Pools are always-on…

