Dhadeecha Pratha : Renting Of Wives

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3 min readOct 16, 2020

We call our country India as Bharatmata (Motherland). We see our country as the female gender.

In all the myths of our country, goddesses are given more importance than gods.

But in real India, it has almost no significance.

Today I will tell you the truth about a real India. In this India, women can be bought and sold as products.

Surprised too, thinking it might not be true.

Today I will tell you about an almost unknown practice in Madhya Pradesh, a state in India.

This primitive custom is still going on in Shivpuri, a district of this state.

According to various news channels and newspapers, the practice of renting wife/women is going on in this village.


The rich people of the village mainly hire or rent the daughters and wives of the poor people of the village.

The most surprising thing is that the whole process of renting these poor wives or women are written on the government official stamp paper of Rs 10, 50 or 100.

It is written on this stamp paper for how many days (as per money) will the woman stay with the rich man for a month, six months or a year?

The woman is supplied as a wife for a month or yearly rental basis

The words immediately signify how women have been actively reduced to an inanimate object of barter or commerce.

This system called Dhadeecha Pratha in the Shivpuri district of MP.

There is a market here where girls are made to stand in the name of the custom. Then the men decide the price of the girl of their choice.


So the woman has a new husband after her contract ends. The higher the rental amount, the longer the period she gets to stay with one man.

This practice is not limited to MP but has been reported in Gujarat as well.

Due to scarcity of women largely due to female infanticide, there has been a case where a Gujarati farm labourer, Atta Prajapati leased his wife Laxmi to a wealthy zamindar for a month।

The exchange earned him 10 times his monthly salary — Rs 8000. The deal needs her to live with the man and share his bed and take care of the family as well.

This has become a lucrative business opportunity for many villagers in the Gujarat-MP belt.

In some cases, the women are sold for prices as low as Rs 500, while in some other their families are paid up to Rs 50,000 for marrying their daughters to men from certain communities.

Apart from the dwindling female population here touts or middlemen who encourage such dealings also prey on the woman’s family’s poverty.

The tribal families are known to be involved in such a practice.

No action has been taken because none comes forward to complain, say the police, all the while acknowledging the existence of such a practice acknowledging the existence of such a practice




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