Diagnose Existing Career Illnesses Before Aspiring For A Job Promotion

Treat this as a career therapy.

Tser Dennis


Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

You cannot reach your destination with a drunken driver and a broken car.

Riding with a drunken driver and a broken car is extremely dangerous.

The driver’s impaired judgment and slower reaction times increase the likelihood of accidents, putting your life and others at grave risk.

A broken car further compounds the danger, as it may malfunction or break down unexpectedly, leading to potential accidents or being stranded in unsafe locations.

The chances of experiencing a severe accident, injury, or legal consequences are significantly elevated in such a scenario.

It’s essential to prioritize safety and avoid riding with intoxicated drivers or vehicles not working correctly.

If you want to reach you in a timely and safely, you need to fix both the person and the vehicle, especially if that location is far away.

It is the same approach that you need to do with your career.

Just as riding with an impaired driver jeopardizes safety, neglecting to address career gaps can jeopardize one’s professional growth and land better opportunities.



Tser Dennis

Career Coach ▫️ Christian Author ▫️ 8x Top Writer ▫️ 850+ Medium Articles