Did a Gemini Catch Your Eye? Here’s What to Do

Ana Klikovac
Published in
7 min readMay 20, 2023

Can’t trust a big butt and a gemini-i-i-i-i

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It’s finally our seasons little Gems! Yes, I am indeed one of the crazy Mercurial bunch, though barely because I am at the very end of the season (June 19th baby over here), but I am nevertheless proud to be the wild and wacky sign that is Gemini.

Today I am going to share some of the most important facts you need to know about the sign of Gemini, whether you want to date one or you one, or you’re just curious to know more about it. You’ve come to the right place either way.

Let’s begin!


Gemini is the first Air sign of the Zodiac. It is a mutable sign represented by the twins symbolizing its multiplicity. Its ruling planet is Mercury, which is the planet of communication and intellect. Geminis are excellent communicators, writers, public speakers, etc. The field of communication is truly where they shine.

Gemini is known as the student, meaning they have an innate thirst for knowledge. They love to learn anything and everything and share their knowledge with people. Geminis often have many different hobbies and professions because of the multiplicity of their interests.

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Because of this, Geminis tend to be very indecisive. Do you know how some signs have the ability to see world in black and white? Well, not Gemini. They very much exist in that grey area, and that is because they see the pros and cons of every situation and outcome. This makes them very fair and judicious people, but they are also difficult for people to understand.

On the “darker side” Geminis are sometimes known to be inconsistent, dishonest and unreliable individuals. Some of them make up a bunch of lies and misrepresent themselves in order to get people to like them. However, those kinds of Geminis are few and far apart because most Geminis believe honesty is the best policy and stick by that. As a Gemini myself, I would say that the only times I lie is when I don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings or when lying is the only option.

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When it comes to physical appearance, Geminis tend to be petite and frail. Because of their busy lifestyle they are prone to various illnesses. They can be high carriers of stress due to the fact that they live so much of their lives inside their heads. It can be challenging to get a Gemini to relax because they are constantly running miles in their minds.

On the other hand, Geminis tend to be quite youthful and usually look much younger than they are. They have small facial features that are focused at the center of their face. Geminis’ eyes are bright and sparkly, especially when they’re smiling or talking about their passions.


As we all know Geminis are sponges for knowledge, and as such they have countless interests, hobbies and passions. They move quickly from one thing to another, flying like busy bees from flower to a flower. You may think you know what they like, but the next thing you know they’ve already moved on to something new.

Geminis never focus on one thing for too long, unless they have a really deep passion and love for it. That is how you know they are particularly invested in something, for the time being at least. It is extremely difficult for Geminis to stick with their interests because they get bored easily, and impatient too.

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Some of the most common interests of a Gemini are writing, reading, socializing, learning about people, gossiping, exploring social media, art, fashion, music, watching and analyzing movies and TV shows. Many of them are intensely social and have tons of friends, but some of them prefer to keep to themselves and nurture a few close relationships.

Nevertheless, all Geminis love to communicate either in written or spoken form. They have a burning desire to make their voice heard in all situations, and they also love to listen to people, which is why they are excellent communicators and great friends to have.


Geminis in a relationship tend to be spontaneous and easy-going partners who don’t expect neither to lead nor to follow, but to find meet their lovers in the middle. This is what makes them very easy to get along with, even when they get in one of their moods where they might give you the silent treatment or won’t stop arguing. As one of the most logical signs, Geminis will usually find a way to bring themselves back into that rational headspace and talk things out with their partner.

Understanding a Gemini can be a difficult skill to gain because they have so many sides to them, but it’s just a matter of practice. You’ll quickly find out what they are all about and how to get on their good side. Something that few people know is that Geminis are often quite unaware of how they come across to others and they think they know themselves better than they actually do.

Photo: Cole Keister via Pexels

This is when you as a partner can help them see the error of their ways and hopefully make their more negative traits less apparent. Your Gemini will be open and receptive to any feedback as long as it’s presented kindly. As a highly adaptable sign, Gemini partners will have no issue in changing themselves in order to improve their romantic relationships.

However, commitment can be challenging for Geminis because they are naturally chatty and flirtatious people who adore many different kinds people. It can be difficult for them to decide to choose just one and stick with them. But once they do, you can trust they’ll stay faithful.


There’s never a dull moment when you’re having sexy time with a Gemini! They are playful, talkative, inventive, but also surprisingly gentle, caring and sweet. I would know because, apart from being Gemini myself, I also had a Gemini lover. From personal experience I can tell you they are supremely observant of your reactions and their own. They take directions well and communicate throughout the entire process.

Although they are not the most sexual sign, they are open to exploring that side of them and curious to learn new positions and embrace new kinks. Even if your Gemini isn’t into something you enjoy, they may still try it in order to please you and themselves because they know you realize your preferences by trying both what you like and what you don’t.

Photo: Ketut Subiyanto via Pexels

Being the curious sign that they are, Geminis will likely be adventurous lovers keen on trying just about anything. They may even be into bringing a third person or even a couple of people into the bedroom. Toys are also a big turn on for a Gemini. I’m just throwing it out there for anyone who may want to date me.

Geminis are playful people who enjoy bringing the fun side into their sex life. They don’t take sex too seriously because that is not their main area of interest. However, they still find pleasure and enjoyment in it and they always want to bring their “A game”.

Tips on dating a Gemini

Dating a Gemini can be quite a breeze if you know how to work with them, not against them. You cannot be too pushy or overly controlling around a Gemini because they will start to resent you. The only way to get to their heart is trough honest and open communication.

Photo: SHVETS production via Pexels

Be their friend first and their partner second. Inspire them, challenge them, encourage them to follow their passions and stick with them for more than just a couple of seconds. Be patient with them through all of their moods.

The most important thing to keep in mind when dating a Gemini is to really listen to what they’re saying. Listen to understand where they’re coming from, not just so you can respond. Ask questions that go deeper. Make them question their points of view. Make them laugh and bring out that fun and child-like side to them.

Have you ever dated a Gemini? What has your experience been like?



Gemini Sun in Love: Traits, Expectations & Fears



Ana Klikovac

Curious soul, exploring the world through written creation | Instagram: @kannchywrites & @kannchy96 | Email: ana.klikovac8@gmail.com