Did My Tarot Cards Tell Me What Happened to Her?

My least favorite Tarot card gave me the answers I needed about a missing person

Quinn's Kaleidoscopeđź’ś
Published in
4 min readMar 14, 2023


Photo by Author

In case you didn’t already know, I was adopted. Over the years I have found both sides of my biological family. On my biological mother’s side, I have multiple half-sisters, one older and two younger.

In May of 2021, I was on Facebook and saw something that one of my half-sisters posted. I immediately had a bad feeling about it.

Their mother, my biological mother, had gone missing. She was supposed to be going to her granddaughter’s dance recital and she never showed up. Her phone, wallet, money, and medications were found at home. She and her car were gone.

Twenty-four hours went by with nothing. They kept posting and looking. Fourty-eight hours went by, and still nothing.

I felt awful for them. I was worried. They were a tight-knit family, which is partly why I never became close to them. It was unusual that none of her kids or husband had heard from her or knew where she was.

Selfishly, I also felt bad for myself. If she was never found, I would never get any more answers from my bio mom and I definitely wouldn’t be able to form a further…



Quinn's Kaleidoscopeđź’ś

Writing about my human experience | Laugh & cry with međź’ś