Did Sgt. Pepper Ever Pass Through These Doors?

Most likely plus many other recording stars.

Carel Kolchinski


Foyer Doors, Abbey Road Studios. Image Credit: Antiques Trade Gazette.

I wanted to attend the auction, but the COVID lockdown put a stop to that, so I tried an online bid. If you’ve never bid online at an auction before, then it can be a little nerve-racking. The action can be fast and furious. If you’re not careful, you can either end up paying too much or actually buying the wrong item. It happens.

So what was I so excited about?

Err, do you remember that Beatles LP, the one where the fab four were surrounded by a crowd of other famous or infamous individuals on the vinyl’s front cover. What was it called now? It’s on the tip of my tongue.

Only joking, of course.

When the Beatles created the Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album at the Abbey Road Studios, London, then a new era and standard of popular music was born. It has rightly been recognized as a groundbreaking work that pushed the recording-studio technology of the late 1960s to the limit. And it still sounds amazing today.

But I wonder whether John, Paul, George, or Ringo, as they went into the Abbey Road Studios, ever gave those stylish, art deco foyer glazed doors a second look.



Carel Kolchinski

Past lives as a journalist, PR poseur and commercial slave. Now an aged teetotaller, cyclist, enthusiastic musician and painter. Certified writing addict.