Did You Know That In Germany You Can Buy And Drink Beer From The Age Of Sixteen?

Alcohol is without doubt harmful and every alcoholic is one too many. But this article is not an argument for or against alcohol. I describe my personal experiences with what it is like to be allowed to drink beer from the age of sixteen.

René Junge


Photo by Hayes Potter on Unsplash

I am now forty seven years old and I drink alcohol perhaps twice a month. Sometimes I do not drink at all for weeks. But I bought my first beer when I was sixteen and drank a lot in my youth.

Germany is famous worldwide for its beer culture. On our motorways there is no speed limit in many places and tobacco advertising is still allowed, at least in certain places.

Much of this can be found problematic. The public discussion in Germany is becoming increasingly sensitive to the problem, and a general speed limit should soon be introduced. Government campaigns against smoking and constantly rising cigarette prices are contributing to a steady decrease in the number of smokers.

Only the age limit for alcohol consumption will probably remain unchanged in the future. Only in February of this year, the federal government again declared that it sees…



René Junge

Thriller-author from Hamburg, Germany. Sold over 200.000 E-Books. get informed about new articles: http://bit.ly/ReneJunge