Diet Pepsi Is A Hoax

Pepsi Co.’s “healthier option” contains additives linked to illnesses including cancer. They’re not the only company lying to us and people need to know.

Grace Leverich


Photo by Sam Cumming on Unsplash

A simplified version of PepsiCo.’s popular sodas ingredients are listed below. Pay attention to the bolded ingredients.

Pepsi ingredients : Carbonated Water, Sugar, Color, Acid, Flavorings.

Diet Pepsi ingredients : Carbonated Water, Color, Acids, Flavorings, Sweeteners (Aspartame, Acesulfame K), Acidity Regulator, Preservative.

Oddly enough, Pepsi does not contain the two processed sweeteners that Diet Pepsi contains. Although this may not seem like an issue, these additives are a lot worse than natural sugar for your health and have been linked to countless ailments. Activists have attempted to file false-advertising lawsuits against PepsiCo only to get silenced and dismissed by judges. Many scientists and activists have proven a correlation between aspartame and an increased risk of cancer, headaches, depression, ADHD, dizziness, birth defects, lupus, Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis. The Center for Science in the Public Interest says there is a link between acesulfame potassium and cancer. This additive is also proved to cause changes in mice’s brain functions after…



Grace Leverich

I write about self improvement, social injustices, physical/mental health and anything that inspires me.