Hybrid Healthcare

Digital Patient Clinic Check-In For The Modern Medical Practice

What Does Clinic Check-In Mean To The Millennials And Why?

Published in
4 min readJul 29, 2022


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

The operational aspect of a Medical practice has been the target of our recent technological advancement and social mind shifts. Patients’ liberal access to digital information and the role of a system that would reimburse medical practices based on the value of service instead of the number of services provided has significantly disrupted the medical practice landscape.

Today, one lured my attention the most among the myriad of inevitable metamorphoses threatening medical practices. That results from a recent poll produced by MGMA on the patient check-in process for their clinical visit.

The Process Of Patient Check-In Can Be A Complex Grind

Traditionally, the patient check-in process happens at the clinic reception, where patients register. The method typically comprises a clipboard containing questionnaires and information handed out by the receptionist or a clerk.

While in the waiting room, the patient provides the information requested on the clipboard. Some medical practices may use more advanced tools such as electronic tablets, touch screens…




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