Dinner with Little Brother

Day #23: 100 Happy Days

Purvee Chauhan


Credits: Author’s own Image

It is a lucky to stay around your siblings. In a country different from your home country, it is a blessing. And, I am blessed. My siblings and I are residing in the same city after a 15 year long hiatus. Infact, maybe almost 20 years. Didn’t even calculate. Anyways, it is great that we are all around each other. You just know that everything is okay and they got your back.

Today, since my husband is out, my brother invited me over for dinner as he wanted to give me company. My brother is younger than I am that’s why I call him little. He isn’t little really — he is bulky. He loves to go to the gym. But for me he is little — and will always be. So, on a week day, he returned from work, run his errands, and cooked a hot meal for me. I could have done something for myself and he could have continued with his day too. But, he chose to cook for me. He prioritized me. Cooking for me was his way of showing presence, and it was lovely. He is a reticent young man who has achieved a bunch on his own. And we are all so proud of him.

He prepped one of my favorite dishes and I totally relished it. We talked about work and life and everything in between. As I said, he is a reticent young man, but he laughed and joked and shared when I was around. It was so heartwarming to hear him. It was just him and I. Sometimes these…



Purvee Chauhan

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. ~ The Little Prince