Discounting Numbers May Nurture Your True Writing Potential

Exploring an untethered relationship between pen and paper may reap longer-term returns.

Jaivir Hans


Graphic created by the author using Canva.
Graphic created by the author using Canva.

For the first time in my adult life, I’ve written for an hour every day, for the past 30 days.

This article is number thirteen on my list of output produced. I am incredibly proud of my newfound gusto, and the corresponding drive required to stick to this almost-formed habit.

I’m moving toward a 6-month target of daily scribbling, and I’m doing it with two trump cards in my pocket. I’ve made tireless, daily efforts to imbibe the two upcoming markers of initial writing success.

I invite you to ponder these, and to incorporate aspects that strike you as potentially valuable on your own writing path.

I believe, deeply, that absorbing these guideposts will help keep novice writers like myself on track toward truly revealing our potential. And that can be a personal — and maybe even a professional — revelation.

Don’t count the first few pennies

I’ve only just begun writing consistently. I suffered from impostor syndrome on my first day, but within 30 days of showing up daily, this unnecessarily demonic syndrome has evaporated from…



Jaivir Hans

On an intrepid quest to discover the world through my words. Contact me if you’d like me to write something for you. Email: