Discover Patterns and Triggers that Stop You from Writing

Why writers don’t write

Kathy G Lynch
5 min readJul 15, 2022


mind triggers
Photo by ALAN DE LA CRUZ on Unsplash

As a writer, you probably want to become a word master and be great at what you do.

You probably want to be good enough to attract readers who think you’re a great writer. You probably want to be useful and help your readers. And maybe you even dare think it’s possible to make a lot of money by doing what you do best: writing.

Writing Fail

Yet the truth is, far too many writers fail.

Far too many writers give up … before they’ve even given themselves much of a chance. Because they begin to think writing is too much effort and too little gains.

For they aren’t really good writers, much less great … YET. They haven’t developed their craft enough to attract readers. So, they’re lucky if they make a few cents for their efforts, much less a few hundred dollars or more.

Doubting Wit

Therefore, most writers live with a great deal of doubt about themselves.

And many writers spend most of their time procrastinating, making excuses, and blaming others for their lack of success. For they succumb to bad behavior triggers, like anger triggers.

So, they become wannabes. They quit writing completely. And they settle for wishing and hoping their dreams would somehow come true.

But they never do.

Yet they don’t realize why.

Triggers of Sabotage

Simply because their negative emotions ‘trigger’ negative behavior patterns.

For, as Shelle Rose Charvet says in Words That Change Minds: The 14 Patterns for Mastering the Language of Influence,

“When in a Reactive Pattern, people do not believe that they control their world. Chances are that they will be waiting for someone else to solve problems or make improvements for them.”

So, they simply don’t do anything about their dreams.

But they don’t realize that they’re wasting their time or their lives. They don’t accept that things could — and would — be different —

The Shadowy Unconscious

… If they actually made an effort to learn something instead of just wishing for success.

… If they actually spent their time reading instead of dreaming.

… if they actually invested their time writing instead of moaning and groaning about their rotten luck.

But they are actually unconscious of what they are really doing.

For they have hidden the truth from themselves: the truth that they are suffering because of their lack of self-awareness and their unconscious programs.

The Pickle of Programming

Charvet says, “Each person, through genetic makeup, environmental influences, and individual biochemistry, has managed to program herself or himself to be excellent at a certain number of things, mediocre at different things, and just awful in other areas.”

Charvet explains, saying, “Every person has a certain number of filters by which they let in certain parts of the real world.”

Fishy Filters

She explains further, “We delete lots of information from the environment around us, as well as internally.”

But, according to Charvet, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic- Programming, explains that we create ‘Meta Programs’ with the information we have left, information we think is important for survival.

“These Meta Programs are based on the filters that we use to make up our model of the world,” says Charvet.

This model of the world determines which words and actions are ‘triggered’ by those meta programs. And sometimes fishy filtering leads to troublesome triggers.

Polluted Patterns

For our words and our actions become the very habits, the patterns, which we live by.

Thus, everything we think, say, and do depends on the patterns we have unconsciously chosen, patterns we believe are integral to our well-being. Patterns which often reek of erratic judgements and mistaken perceptions.

Tormenting Triggers

For these patterns ‘trigger’ every decision we make. They trigger every unconscious habit. Even our ways of thinking are triggered by these patterns, patterns which are often the result of past experiences, both good and bad.

Thus, we need to be aware of exactly what patterns are being ‘triggered’ that impact our lives, especially when the turmoil and troubles of insecurity is triggered.

Awaken Your Awareness

To do that, you need to take advantage of your brain’s ability to awaken self-awareness.

Both internal self-awareness and external self-awareness.

Says Charvet, “Internal self-awareness … is how clearly one sees [how] one’s own values, passions, aspirations fit with our environment, [our] reactions (including thoughts, feelings, behaviors, strengths, and weaknesses), and [our] impact on others.”

“External self-awareness … refers to how well we know how others see [how] our values, passions, fit with the environment, [our) reactions (including thoughts, feelings, behaviors, strengths, and weaknesses), and (our) impact on others].”

Awareness of Inflammatory Impact

You also need to be aware of the “context’, or situations and circumstances that trigger various patterns of behavior, as well as your emotional reactions. Especially when your resentment has been aroused.

With self-awareness, says Charvet:

“you will have the opportunity to train your eyes and ears to perceive certain things that you may not have paid attention to before.”

Only then can you make better decisions.

Only then can you choose to change any disturbing behaviors and exploding emotions that threaten your sanity.

Perceptive Psyche

So, you need to dig down deep in your psyche and finally figure out exactly “why” you do what you do, as well as why you don’t do the things you should, and could, do.

Then, you even begin to see why you made the decision to procrastinate. For as Charvet also says, you may have the pattern of “moving away” from things that are uncomfortable and upsetting, like rejection and being ignored.

So, you suddenly realize that you and you alone are responsible for your decision not to write. You see why you were depressed when your writing attempts failed. You now see clearly that your embittering behavior patterns have had an adverse impact on your writing career … and what to do about it.

Monologue Mastery

For once your hidden triggers that resulted in your failures have been uncovered …

you decide to become a word master, not only of the written word. But also master of the words you speak. Because the words you tell yourself every day, and every moment of the day, are the very words that reflect your behavior patterns.

Thus, you intentionally choose to develop “Influencing Language.”

Then, instead of being reactive in your writing career and procrastinating as you say to yourself, “I’ll wait, think about it, consider if it might, could, and would work” …

you become proactive and say such things as “don’t wait, jump in, just do it, get it done.”

Workings of a Word Master

As a word master, you learn to choose your words carefully. You learn to make every word you speak, as well as every word you write, count.

According to Charvet, becoming aware of your patterns allows you to “tailor your language so that it has maximum impact” on you as well as on others.

So, become a word master.

Develop your word power.

Choose the irresistible impact your words will have on the world around you, others, and you.

As Nelson Mandela said, “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.”



Kathy G Lynch

Kathy G. wants to show farmer's daughters how to become successful writers even in this highly competive world