Discoveries in Silence, whole worlds of wholes

Tim Collings
Published in
1 min readJan 31, 2023


Photo by Zan on Unsplash

“Silence in the company of fellows,

Is comparable to solitude.

A space without distraction.

Something largely absent,

In our current cultural context.

Due to our dominant narrative,

Of needing,

Constant human connection,

Believing we are receiving this,

Via a constant flow,

Of externally originated information.

Silence is an invitation.

To connect more deeply,

To oneself,

And through oneself,

To all selves.

A path often reserved

For extended periods of solitude.

There to sense into,

Our never being alone.

In silence, find interdependance.

Hearing the voices

Of the many who stir,

Within us and around us.

Feel their motion

Tingle with their energy,
And ours,



Tim Collings

Tim writes about his explorations of living systems in life and work as Founder of 4i & host of the Better World Leaders podcast.