Discovering Joy in the Little Things: My Personal Happiness List

Join me on a heartfelt journey through the simple joys that make life worth living. From music that moves us to the beauty of a hot bath on a snowy day, the list is endless.

Aparna S
4 min readMar 11, 2024


Photo by Catalin Pop on Unsplash

Sometimes, it feels like happiness is a puzzle, and I’m trying to fit the pieces together. Along the way, I’ve discovered that some pieces, although small, are incredibly precious. Here are a few of those pieces, each a simple joy that’s brought unexpected brightness to my days.

The Magic of Rediscovery

Photo by Jefferson Santos on Unsplash

There’s this indescribable feeling I get when I stumble upon a song or an artist from my past. It’s like being whisked away to another world, one where only I and the music exist.

The Warmth Amidst the Cold

Photo by Skyler King on Unsplash

Picture this: a snowy day, everything blanketed in white, and me, soaking in the warmth taking a hot water shower. The contrast between the chilly air and the comforting heat is just… magical. It’s a moment of pure peace.

The Guilty Pleasure of Midnight Snacks

Photo by Ryan Quintal on Unsplash

There’s a thrill in sneaking to the kitchen at midnight for a snack, isn’t there? It’s like a secret meeting between me and my fridge, a small act of rebellion that brings a smile to my face.

The Sweet Taste of Dairy Milk

Photo by Tetiana Bykovets on Unsplash

Imagine avoiding sugar for a whole month and then treating yourself to a bar of Dairy Milk. It’s not just chocolate; it’s a celebration, a reward for my self-control. Each bite tastes like victory, a small but significant triumph that makes the sacrifice worth it.

The Bliss of an Afternoon Nap

Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

There’s something about napping after a particularly busy morning that feels like the ultimate luxury. My body, tired from a run, sinks into the bed, ready to recharge.

The Comfort of Home-Cooked Food

Photo by Faris Mohammed on Unsplash

Nothing beats the feeling of sitting down to a meal made at home, especially if it’s been a while. It’s like the food is seasoned with love and care, reminding me of simpler times.

The Satisfaction of a Completed To-Do List

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Is there anything more satisfying than ticking off the last item on your to-do list? It’s a visible sign of my productivity, a small victory dance in my head.

Buying a Bag that you have Eyed for Long

Photo by Alberto Cognetti on Unsplash

The day I swapped my Scooby Doo bag for a Nike one was a bittersweet milestone. It wasn’t just about the brands; it was about me, growing up and embracing a new chapter.

The Anticipation of Adventure

Photo by Skyler Gerald on Unsplash

The night before a trip to WonderLa, I couldn’t sleep a wink, buzzing with anticipation. It’s a childlike excitement that’s rare and precious, reminding me to embrace the joy of looking forward to something, no matter how old I get.

The Triumph Over Chopsticks

Photo by Bon Vivant on Unsplash

And then, there was the day I finally mastered chopsticks after months of fumbling. It was a small win, but it felt like a major achievement. It’s a reminder that persistence pays off, and sometimes, the joy is in the journey, not just the destination.

So, there you have it, a glimpse into my personal list of happiness. These moments, as simple as they may seem, have a way of making life feel richer, more vibrant. They remind me to pause, to breathe, and to appreciate the beauty in the everyday.



Aparna S

Hey folks! I talk about life, love, travel, branding, and much more! I am a lifelong learner and a multi-hyphenate!IG: aparnas2611 Email: