Discovering Strength While You Are Lost in the Darkness

“It is only in our darkest hours that we may discover the true strength of the brilliant light within ourselves that can never, ever, be dimmed.” – Doe Zantamata

Ifra Ali
3 min readJan 9, 2021


Photo by MuiZur on Unsplash

Do you feel lost because of an unfortunate incident that might have happened to you? Do you feel abandoned, ignored, just dragging yourself through life without any hope for the future?

Well, somewhere in life we all have to deal with such uncertain scenarios.

The times when we feel everything has ended. Something happens, we fall so hard flat on our face and feel the world has collapsed, it's like the apocalypse has just happened and it is all over.

But the true winners are the ones who get back up and build another world of those broken pieces.

It happened to me a year back. Everything was going fine as I had planned, but soon, within a blink of an eye, it all ended. The world of my dreams was burnt down to ashes.

I never thought if I would be able to get through that phase and just wanted to give up. During those heart-rending moments, something that came to me as a surprise was my writing. And the days I misunderstood to be an end was a beginning towards a new and better life.

All the success stories you would read must find one thing common, 'resilience in the face of adversity.'

Here are a few things you can remember while going through the tough times.

Do Not Give Up

You might not see the road ahead, but this is not the time to give up. Stand in front of a mirror with your head held high, and pat yourself on the back.

Remember, you have come a long way, breaking through all those obstacles which already prove how strong you are. Don't be harsh on yourself. Keep moving until you reach your destination.

A New Dawn Awaits

You must have often heard this saying, "when one door is closed, another opens." Though it may sound cliche, it is an undeniable fact. When one opportunity is lost, hundreds of them wait ahead with an open arm for you to grab them.

This Too Shall Pass

Things change, nothing stays for long. Believe in the process, this cycle of life.

After a dark and silent winter comes spring, melting away the sorrows, bringing light, colors, and melodies to sing.

Do What You Love

If there is anything you are passionate about, don't think and just do it. You never know what new you might discover about yourself.

Dance, Sing, Paint, Write and let it out whatever it is, the pain, aggression, fear. Release and you'll feel better.

Last but not least,


Believe in yourself, your abilities. Believe in that highest power. Trust the process, have faith that everything is going to be all right.

The journey of life is a bumpy ride. Sometimes you merrily sail through this wide ocean singing, dancing, and enjoying the breeze. Sometimes you are hit by the storms.

All these ups and downs are a part of life, you can't run away from them. However, you can always choose to make the best out of it.

Trust me, your adversities are blessings in disguise.

Everything that is happening to you will transform you into a better and much stronger person who you might not have even imagined.

He knows not his strength who hath not met adversity.”

William Samuel Johnson

Photo by Alexandr Podvalny from Pexels

I hope you get up right now, feeling stronger than before and dusting off the sorrows you move forward with a smile from darkness to light.

