Discovering The Lessons Writing Taught Me

Published in
3 min readMay 18, 2024
Photo by Thomas Lefebvre on Unsplash

At first, I viewed writing as just a hobby. However, during a break, I deeply missed it and came to realize it's a significant part of who I am.

Since I was very young in elementary school, I loved quotes. I often searched Facebook for quotes that I liked.

My photo gallery contains saved images of these quotes, which comfort and validate me emotionally and mentally.

As the pandemic continued, I wondered why I couldn't start writing on my own. While using Instagram, the idea became clear on April 30, 2020.

So, I tried making content with Canva. The next day, May 1, 2020, while I was still busy with Instagram, I posted my first-ever writing piece, starting my writing journey.

Though my path has been filled with difficulties, I've stayed focused on my two main goals: to inspire people and to reach more readers.

However, I've recognized the harmful mindset found in many social media writers who are overly focused on audience metrics.

It wasn't until three years and seven months later that I recognized a shift in my priorities.

Rather than focusing on meaningful content creation, I prioritized audience expansion.

Regrettably, this shift compromised the authenticity of my writing. My efforts became increasingly mechanized, driven more by a desire for visibility and the perpetuation of an illusion of consistency, rather than a genuine desire to engage with readers.

Photo by Joana Abreu on Unsplash

I recently took a break to reflect on recent events.

During solitary evenings, I often find myself gazing at the ceiling, reminiscing about the motivations behind my initial endeavors.

This period of reflection included immersing myself in the literary works of fellow writers on platforms such as Facebook and Medium.

Witnessing their adeptness in simplicity and the fulfillment derived from their creative outputs, I came to a profound realization: the complexity evident in my works mirrors the complexities of my life.

I have revisited my original mission to share my works when I first began my learning journey. Now, my approach is notably clearer.

I aspire to embrace authenticity, unafraid to reveal my vulnerabilities and life's imperfections.

I acknowledge that my opportunity to write and share does not set me apart from others. Instead, it underscores the importance of courage.

Through self-reflection, I've come to appreciate the importance of vulnerability, as long as one can recognize their weaknesses and find the courage to endure challenges.

My mission is to show that I'm human too, with a story that can inspire others.

By doing so, readers can recognize that resilience is attainable despite the challenges encountered in both personal and professional realms.

The writing journey has taught me countless lessons, which I accept wholeheartedly, regardless of the highs and lows it brings.

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

